Top 50 most asked TANROADS interview question and answers for civil technician and engineers.

In this blog article, I am going to tell you about top 50 most asked TANROADS interview questions and answers for both civil technician and engineer which is often asked in all TANROADS interview. 

If you are a civil technician or engineer TANROADS job seeker then you should be prepared well to give correct answers to the interviewer so that it will be a maximum chance for you to get in a job post.

Tanroads interview questions

So, besides your level of education the interviewer can ask you questions which are related to your IQ test. Because the organization would always like to grow their services by choosing smart and talented workers with them.

Let get started....

1. What is the meaning of soil reinforcement?

Answer: Soil reinforcement is the act of improving soil strength to enable it to support or carry more load.

2. What are the commonly materials used for soil reinforcement

Answers: Lime, Cement and Aggregates.

3. Define what are the reasons for geotechnical site investigations?


i)To know the soil properties in so doing be position to determine whether the particular site is suitable for the purpose intended

ii) To know the history of the site

iii) To know what remedies need to be put in a place before construction can start

iv) Based on the soil properties that can be determined on site and in the lab, design the appropriate foundation for the structure

4.Describe three types of slump that may occur in the slump test


True Slump

Shear Slump

Collapse Slump

5.What do you understand by the term 'TANROADS'.?

Answer: TANROADS is the abbreviation for Tanzania National Roads Agency, is an executive agency under the Ministry of Works, starting it operation on July 2000 agency responsibilities is to develop and maintain truck and regional road network in Tanzania Mainland

6.What are the sources of pavement failure.?


i) Poor compaction for pavement layers

ii) Use of problem soils in pavement layer

iii) High water table underneath

iv) Poor drainage system

v) Heavy load of traffics

7. What is Gravity flow.?

Answer: Gravity flow is fluid flowing due to the forces of gravity alone and not to an applied pressure head.

8.What are three major types of reinforcement used in pre-stressing?


i) Spalling reinforcement

ii) Equilibrium reinforcement

iii) Bursting reinforcement

9.Why do we maintain roads and what are the benefits from maintaining roads?


i.To preserve the road as per built state, keep it passable and open in all time under all-weather condition and to enable it to attain its design life & To protect the investment

ii.Reduces the rate of pavement deterioration

iii.It lowers the cost of operating vehicles on the highway by providing a smooth running surface

iv.It keeps the highway open on a continuous basis by preventing it from becoming impassable

v.It enhances safety

10.Mention at least 7 essential documents which form a contract document for construction works:


i) Contract Agreement

ii) Letter of Acceptance

iii) Contract offer

iv)Special Condition of Contract

v)General Condition of Contract



viii)Priced Bill of Quantities

11.Mention and briefly explain four stages of construction project


i)Briefing Stage

ii)Design Stage

iii)Tendering Stage

iv)Construction Stage

v)Completion/Handing over Stage

12.Mention the supporting documents attached to payment certificate for construction works


i)Measurement sheet

ii)Material test results

13.Mention at least four Laboratory Test required for construction materials in road construction


i)California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

ii)Compaction test (Proctor test)

iii)Atterberg Limit (Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit & Shrinkage Limit)

14.What is traffic count.?

Answer: Traffic count is a count of traffic along a particular road, either done electronically or by people counting by the side of the road.

Uses of Traffic count data in road works

i)Used for road geometric design

ii)Used for Traffic Signal Design 

iii)Used for Road Pavement Design

15. Which test is conducted to determine the bearing capacity of soil?

Answer: Plate Load Test

16. What do you do if any concrete cube fails in 28 days compressive strength test?

Answer: If the concrete cube fails in strength test, you should conduct a core cutter test on concrete and send a report to higher authorities.

17. What is soil analysis?

Answer: Soil Analysis is the testing of soil to determine the nutritional and elemental composition of soil. It is generally tested for knowing the contents of Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorous.

18.Which load computed from traffic count data used for road pavement design.?

Answer: Axle Load

19.Describe briefly the various methods of concrete curing

Answers: Curing is the process of maintaining the moisture and temperature conditions for freshly deployed concrete. This is done for small duration of time to allow the hardening of concrete.

The methods that are involved in saving the shrinkage of the concrete includes

i)Spraying of water: on walls, and columns can be cured by sprinkling water

ii)Wet covering of surface: can be cured by using the surface with wet gunny bags or straw

iii)Ponding: the horizontal surfaces including the slab and floors can be cured by stagnating the water.

iv)Steam curing: of pre-fabricated concrete units' steam can be cured by passing it over the units that are under closed chambers. It allows faster curing process and results in faster recovery.

v)Application of curing compounds: compounds having calcium chloride can be applied on curing surface. This keeps the surface wet for a very long time.

20.What are the core activities of TANROADS


i) Road and bridges Construction

ii)Road and Bridges Maintenance

iii)Weighbridges Operation Services

iv)Advise/work together with other Road authorities

21.What is California Bearing Ratio (CRB)?

Answer: The California bearing ratio is a penetration test for evaluation of the mechanical strength of soil for road construction uses and the minimum value of CBR used for road construction works is 3%.

22.Mention a test which used to check the concrete workability

Answer: Slump test

23.Mention four layers of road pavement


i)Sub grade Layer

ii)Sub base Layer

iii)Base course Layer

iv)Wearing course Layer

24.What is the importance of air voids content in bituminous pavement?


A sufficient amount of air voids should be designed to make room for expansion of binder in dry season consolidation under traffic loads.

25.Mention three properties affected by overheating bitumen?


i)Rheological properties of bitumen

ii)Hot mix Asphalt (HMA) properties

iii)Cohesion of bitumen

26. Why is it necessary to know the natural moisture content of the soil to be used for construction purpose?

Answer: Helps to estimate the additional water that will give the maximum dry density.

27.Mention (8) eight tests which are common on aggregates and concrete


i)Aggregate Crushing Test

ii)Ten Percent Fines Test

iii)Aggregate Impact Test

iv)Flakiness Test

v)Elongation Test

vi)Soundness Test

vii)Los Angeles Abrasion Test

viii)Sieve Test

ix)Specific Gravity Test

x)Water Absorption Test

28. Mention four (4) roads maintenance categories and for each category list three corresponding activities


i)Routine Maintenance

ii)Periodic Maintenance

iii)Emergency/ Urgent Maintenance

iv)Bridge Maintenance and Repair

29.What are the functions of TANROADS


i)Management of Maintenance and Development of works

ii)Operations of the Roads Networks and Axle Load Control

iii)Implementation of Road Safety and Environmental Measures

iv)Provision of advice on the strategic framework, policies and plans

30.What are the types of cement?


i)Ordinary Portland Cement

ii)White Portland Cement

iii)Portland Pozzolana Cement

iv)Low Heat Portland Cement

v)Rapid Hardening Cement

vi)Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement

31. What is the aim of structural design of pavements?

Answer: To protect the subgrade by provision of appropriate pavement layers to achieve a determined level of service with maintenance over a chosen design period.

32. What is pavement rehabilitation.?

Answer: Is defined as taking constructive measures to restore the structural and functional condition of roads where distress has caused unacceptable pavement serviceability.

33.Construction and maintenance considerations that must be taken into account in the pavement design which may influence type of pavement that is adopted or material standard and type of surfacing to be used.


Extent and type of drained

Use of stabilization

Availability of equipment, materials and human resources

Construction under traffic

Maintenance strategy

Use of stage construction.

34.What are the environmental factors which have the greatest effect on pavement performance are.?


Moisture regime in the pavement structure

Pavement temperature

Unfavorable subgrade conditions related to the environment

35.Moisture changes in pavements usually ensue from one or more of the following sources and their preventive measures.


i)Relative permeability of pavement layers and subgrade and

ii)Infiltration from the surface and shoulders

Both can be controlled through appropriate design of the cross section and internal drainage of the pavement layers

iii)Seepage from higher ground and

iv)Fluctuation in the water table

Both can be controlled by adequate installed subgrade and pavement drains

v)Transfer of moisture within the surface due to differences in moisture content or temperature

Cannot normally be controlled other than by attempting to keep the moisture content near constant

36.What are the effects of pavement temperature on the performance of bituminous mixes have been observed on the following?


i)Load distributing properties

ii)Resistance to deformation

iii)Resistance to fatigue cracking

iv)Rate of ageing

37.Four unfavorable subgrade condition for road bed.


i)Cavities made by burrowing animals

ii)Localized areas with high moisture content

iii)Subsurface well

iv)Swamp areas

38.What is the purpose of EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment)?

Answer: Purpose of EIA is to ensure that a project does not achieve its own goals at the expense of loss or inconvenience to non-beneficiaries or future generations.

39. Four important functions of paved shoulders are:


i)Provision of lateral support for pavement layers

ii)Minimizing risks of moisture ingress into load bearing parts of the pavement

iii)Reducing changes in moisture contents in pavement layers

iv)Improved traffic safety by allowing occassional traffic outside the carriageway.

40.The structural deterioration of paved roads caused by traffic mainly depends on:


i. Magnitude of the loads (Axle Loads)

ii. Contact Pressure from the Load (Mainly from Tires pressure)

iii. Number of load repetitions

41. What is the Pavement Design Life?

Answer: Number of years until a terminal value of accepted serviceability is expected to be reached.

I hope this blog article on the “Top 50 most asked TANROADS interview questions and answers for civil technician and engineers.” remains helpful.

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