Civil Engineering Project Titles

The CivilEngineers Hub resent you brief points about CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECT and sample of more than 130+ project titles so feel free to check and analyze it all.


mega project


Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings.

Civil engineering project is a systematic investigative process employed to find solutions, to overcome or solve problems occurring in our daily life may be social problem, economic problem etc. not always the case sometimes may be to develop new understanding, new theories even to expand knowledge

Examples of problems that require to be solved by civil engineers

Healthy and Safety Problems

1.Lack of clean water for drinking
2.Flooding along the road
3.Lack of water for human use

Environmental Problems

1.Improper waste disposal
2.Absence of toilet in the rural areas
3.Dustiness on the road

Public Problem

1.Lack of proper durable road for transportation
2.Too much road accidents
3.High cost construction materials
4.Absence of construction materials  etc.

Truth about civil engineering students project

TRUTH 😁 "For you student the very first thing to find it's not a title but a problem you can solve through your engineering knowledge if you find a problem to construct a project title it is easier part.."

A civil engineering project report shall comprise the followings

1. Fore pages

(a) Title
(c) Certification
(e) Abstract
(f) Table of contents
(g)List of Figures, Tables, symbol and abbreviations

2. Chapters

Chapter One: Introduction
  1.1 Historical background
  1.2 Problem statement
  1.3 Objectives of the project
           1.3.1 Main objective
           1.3.2 Specific objectives
 1.4 Scope of the project

Chapter Two: Literature review

Chapter Three: Project Methodology
3.1 Methods used in collecting data
3.2 Data which have been collected

Chapter Four: Analysis of data

4.1 Analysis of data collected,
4.2 Results of analyzed data
4.3 Discussion of the results obtained

Chapter Five: Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendation

3. References

4. Appendices

To know more about the above components click ʘ here and review the research methodology module


The following are the list of titles that you can choose for your civil project

1. Assessment of road defects
2. Impacts of Using Crushed Rocks in Concrete
3. Behavior and Performance of High Performance Concrete for Pavements
4. Shear Capacity of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams without Conventional Shear Reinforcement
5. A study of the Possibilities of Sustainable Building in Timber
6. Establishment of temporary Bench Marks
7. Bridges/Flyovers
8. Economic design of water concrete tank or reserve water tank
9. Irrigation with Wastewater
10. Design of an Irrigation Canal
11. Design of Single Lane Road Bridge (SLRB)
12. Design of Double Lane Road Bridge (DLRB)
13. Design of Inlet Structure
14. Design of Building Structures
15. Design of Office Building
16. Design of Residential Apartment
17. Design of Industrial Building
18. Retaining Wall Design
19. Brick Work Design
20. 90m clear span Hanger Design
21. Eco-Friendly Buildings
22. Design of Irrigation Structures
23. Design of Drainage structures i.e. Cross drainage, side drains
24. Design of Super Passage Design of Canal drops
25. Girders Design
26. Design of Box Culverts
27. Design of drifts i.e. solid and ventilated drifts
28. De silting of Tanks
29. Design of Irrigation Tanks
30. Time and Motion Study on Road Construction Techniques
31. Rain Water Harvesting
32. Lime Stabilized soil Blocks
33. Restoration of an irrigation Tank
34. Village Sanitation System
 35. Study of Traditional Housing Practices
36. Study of Unburnt Bricks
37. Labor Optimization in Earth Work
38. Reinforced Roofing Sheets
39. Fatigue of Human Labor in earth work
40. Wall Panels for Low cost Houses
41. Planning and designing of Low cost school buildings
42. Engineering study of a Traditional Industry
43. Study on strength of compacted mud walls
44. Critical Study of Locally available materials for the manufacture of bricks
45. Automatic Flow regulation for Canal - Tank Sluice
46. Tests on Pozzolana Mixtures
47. Study of Transportation needs in rural and semi - urban areas
48. Performance study of irrigation centrifugal pumps
49. Studies on sisal Fiber Reinforced cement Aggregate Composites
50. Erosion Resistance studies on stabilized mud blocks
51. Hydro geological investigation, ground water quality and aquifer parameters
52. Use of different Organic Wastes for production of bio gas
53. Road Re Alignment
54.Road redesigning
55. Road Widening
56. Soil Stabilization
57. Design of a pedestrian bridge i.e. RCC, Steel or Timber
58. Stabilization of soil for bricks Puddled with organic Materials
59. Master plan for a Rural Settlement
60. Erosion Resistance studies on stabilized brick blocks
61. Precast Stone Block Masonry
62. Ground Water Inventory
63. Inventory of high traffic roads
64. Development of rainfall runoff relationship for small catchments
65. Investigation on nylofibre Reinforced roofing units
66. Lime Stabilized Bricks
67. For Soil bricks subjected to accelerated weathering conditions
68.Rammed Earth Walls
69. Ground water potential and problems
70. Development and use of unit hydro graph 

71. Theoretical and experimental studies of flow in canal bends
72. Reinforced brick panel
73. Drinking water quality standards in and around a city
74. Investigation of strength and cementation value of available lime and artificial hydraulic lime
75. Evaluation of ground water resources and assessment of quality and its impact on dwellers and crop yield
76. Operational Research in buildings
77. Air pollution
78. Evaluation of uneven pavement surface
79. Potential of super plasticizers in concrete practice
80. Bond strength of bundled high yield strength deformed bars
81.Studies on the flow characteristic of super plasticized concrete
82. Engineering and natural resources study of a village
83. Qualitative analysis of irrigation water
84. Total station surveying
85. Soil distribution and engineering problems
86. Slump and strength characteristics of super plasticized concrete
87. Design of Flour Mill Effluent Treatment Plant.
88. Design of Waste storage
89. Light weight burnt bricks using rice husk and saw dust
90. Dynamic analysis of a portal frame railway bridge using frequency dependent soil structure interaction
91. Case study of water pollution in rivers
92. Investigation of strength and cementation value of available lime and artificial hydraulic lime Study of fire wood and charcoal consumption
93.Rapid urbanization and housing shortage
94. Study of unburnt bricks
95. Design of a mall
96. Proposal for construction of block paving at car parking
97. Proposal for side way of pedestrian
98. Characterization of sewage and design of sewage treatment plants
99. Design of Public toilet
100. Design of Fly over
101. Establishment and densification of control points
102. Design of climbing lane
103. Evaluation of gravel road
104. Structural design of classrooms block
105. Traffic congestion study
106. Design of Car Parking
107.Prediction of California bearing ratio (CBR) value from index properties of soil
108. Design of underground tank for rain water harvesting
109. Assessments of bus bay congestion
110. Investigation on the causes of misuse of roads
111. Upgrading of pavement structures
112. Road condition survey
113. Design of shaded walkway layout
114.Assessment on the performance of side drainage system
115.Design of on site waste water treatments system
116.Design for improvement of earth road
117.Design of surface water supply system
118.Assessments of impacts of construction projects on the environment
119.Wastewater quality analysis for irrigation
120.Design of wastewater treatment system for domestic use
121.Water pollution assessment due to irrigation activities
122.Strength analysis between Twiga,Simba, Nyati and Tembo Cements for suitable bridge construction purposes.
123.Investigation on the causes of road projects delay
124.Innovative approach towards use of timber waste.
125.Road Geometric Design
126.Functional Evaluation of Pavements Surface
127.Development of contour map for road geometric design purpose
128.Use of google map data for road geometric design
129.Assessment of  the strength of Ready Mix Concrete
130.Design of Sewage water treatment plant
131.Green building concepts
132.Bamboo As building Materials
133.Improvement of black cotton soil for brick manufacturing (Case study: Kilwa- Hoteli Tatu (Lindi Region))
134.Analysis of Building codes
135.Increase strength of buildings by introducing new materials in construction (Bentonite, Marble Dust, Rice Husk etc.)
136.Advance construction techniques
137.Logistic Management of solid waste
138.Improvement of bearing capacity of Sand
139.Steel Building Design
140.Timber Building Design
141.Solid Waste Management


142. … Continue to Visit because we're not done yet 😃😃 more title more updates will follow


In case you need a hard copy of civil engineering project report for reference and self guide purpose.

Just give us your project title and we can try to find reference for you welcome both Bachelor Degree & Ordinary Diploma Students.

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 i. Structural 

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