Top 50 TANROADS interview question and answers for weighbridge shift-in charge and operator

Are you a weighbridge operator or shift-in-charge job seeker.?

If you are a weighbridge operator or shift-in-charge job seeker you want to maximize your chance to get a job in that post.

Below is the Top 50 most asked question and answers asked during TANROADS weighbridge and shift-in-charge interview read it effectively so you should be prepared well to give correct answers to the interviewer so that it will increase chance for you to get to the next stage (oral interview).

So let get started..

QUESTION 1. What do you understand by the Weighbridge Operation?

Is the process that involve weighing of vehicle for the purpose of checking whether they are overloaded or have complied with set load limit.


(i) What are the effects of overloaded vehicle?

  i. Damage to road pavements and structure

 ii. Traffic congestion associate with slow moving overloaded truck

 iii. Increase government cost as a result of frequently maintenance of road network due to distresses caused by overloading

  iv. Traffic hazard as a result of burst of tire, failure in breaking system

(ii) How can we control heavy overloading vehicle?

i. Imposing road damage fees on the spot for any overloaded vehicle using the road, if the gross load exceeds the allowable legal load limit the transporter should reduce the load

iii. If the axle load exceeds the transporter should re-arrange the load carried properly

iv. Park the vehicle and the extra weight to the yard until all of the above three process is taken & Retake the weight again.

When an authorized officer determines that a vehicle is carrying a load in excess of the legal load limit under this Act, he or she shall issue a weighing report setting out the overload particulars and the amount of overload fees payable.

Where an authorized officer, while a journey is being undertaken, determines that a vehicle is carrying a load in excess of the legal load limit, the authorized officer shall in consultation with relevant implementing agencies, not allow the vehicle in question to continue its journey, unless the load is redistributed and the vehicle is, upon being re-weighed, found to be within the legal load limit, or the vehicle is off-loaded to lower its weight to the legal load limit

Overloaded vehicles shall only be released after the fees have been fully paid, the vehicle having been offloaded to the legal axle load limit or the load re-arranged then re-weighed to verify compliance.

(If the vehicle is overloaded as WB-OP what should be done)


(i) What are the most common frauds in Weighbridge station?

  • -Corruption
  • -Dishonesty
  • -Neglect      

(ii) How do you think you can manage it?

i. Be honest, transparent, faithful and accountable

ii. Encourage team working to avoid the temptation

iii. Adhering to all legislative requirements

QUESTION 4: What is overloading?

Means an axle load, a load from a group of axles or gross vehicle weight on vehicle that exceeds the prescribed legal limits for the vehicle or for any particular part of public roads

QUESTION 5: What is Axle load?

Weight transmitted on road by an axle bearing two/more pneumatic tires

QUESTION 6: What is the role of the weigh bridge operators?

i. Weighing all Motor Vehicles with GVM of 3500kg and above

ii. Verify Motor Vehicle dimension for permit issuance

iii. Calculate and imposing road damage charge on the spot for overloaded vehicle

iv. Detaining any vehicle contravening Axle load control Act

v. Recording all necessary particulars regarding Motor vehicle being weighed

vi. Perform any other related duties as maybe assigned by supervisor

vii. Enforcing road traffic vehicle load by using weighbridge scale device

viii. Measuring physical dimensions of motor vehicle or any load bearing carried on the motor vehicle for determining compliance or non-compliance with vehicle dimension limit.

ix. Provide advice to transporter in case of non-compliance with vehicle dimension Limits

QUESTION 7: Why do we maintain roads and what are the benefits from maintaining roads?

i.To preserve the road as per built state, keep it passable and open in all time under all-weather condition and to enable it to attain its design life & To protect the investment

ii.Reduces the rate of pavement deterioration

iii.It lowers the cost of operating vehicles on the highway by providing a smooth running surface

iv.It keeps the highway open on a continuous basis by preventing it from becoming impassable

v.It enhances safety

QUESTION 8: Mention the various types of maintenance as practiced in TANROADS.

i.Routine/Recurrent Maintenance

ii.Periodic Maintenance

iii.Emergency (Urgent) maintenance

iv.Spot Maintenance

v.Bridge Repair

                    a)Preventive maintenance

                    b)Bridge Major repair

QUESTION 9: Briefly explain each of the maintenance types

a)Routine maintenance

Maintenance which should be done continually on a routine manner for every type of road e.g. culvert maintenance, tree pruning, maintenance of shoulders, etc.

b)Periodic Maintenance

Is the type of maintenance which is being done at interval of time e.g. Resealing, Re-gravelling, etc.

c)Urgent Maintenance

This type of maintenance deals with emergencies and problems causing for immediate action when the road is blocked, usually these are not planned e.g. removal of debris, fallen trees removal of accident and erecting of road signs

d)Spot Maintenance

This is done to repair short road stretches whose poor condition threatens road possibility. 

e)Bridge Repair

These include minor and major road repairs to enable the bridge to operate in its as designed condition. These repairs are meant to enable the bridge to live to its design life.  

QUESTION 10. Mention three methods of testing compaction of newly constructed Road

  • Nuclear Method
  • Sand Replacement Method
  • Core Cutter Method
  • Water Displacement Method

QUESTION 11: Mention at least four (4) tests that are performed on gravel materials used for construction of a Road.

  • Impact test (AIV)
  • Crushing test (ACV)
  • Abrasion test (LAA)
  • Soundness test
  • Grading test (Sieve Analysis)
  • Shape and Dimension test (FI & EI)
  • Specific Gravity and Water Absorption test

QUESTION 12: What is the Axle Load control in Road Management?

Is the process of measuring vehicle axle load so as not to exceed set legal limit of vehicle axle’s load in order to promote life span of Road pavement, Safety and to limit abrasion of roads and bridge.

QUESTION 13: Define the following terms:-

(i)Axle load --> Weight transmitted on road by an axle bearing two/more pneumatic tires.

(ii)Abnormal loads -->means a load, which by its nature is indivisible and the dimensions of which exceed the authorized dimensions of the vehicle on which it is to be loaded.

(iii)Awkward loads -->means a load that is unstable in nature and which although it is divisible requires special equipment and safety precautions to offload.

(iv)Hazardous loads -->means any load which has been prescribed by the Council in the Gazette to be capable of posing risk to health, safety, and property when transported along the Regional.

(v)Unstable loads -->means a load on a vehicle which could shift or oscillate within the vehicle when it is moving or stationary.

(vi)Super loads -->means a load, which by its nature is indivisible and the weight of which exceeds the authorized weight of the vehicle on which it is to be loaded.

(vii)Articulated Vehicle --> Combination of vehicle comprising Motor Vehicle and a semi-trailer coupled to motor vehicle (Tractor + Semi-Trailer).

(viii)Gross Vehicle Mass (G.V.M) --> Weight of vehicle/trailer together with the weight of any load included on it.  Or According to Weighbridge Operational Manual is defined as the Maximum permissible weight of such vehicle and its load.


(i). Define the term “Axle Configuration”

Simply defined as the configuration code given to each vehicle for ease defining and processing of the axle load data.

(ii). What can you do to stop corruption in Weigh Bridge Operations?

a) Encourage team working this avoid the temptation.

b) Encourage honesty, transparent, faithful and accountability

c) Provide knowledge to people about the effect of corruption to both community and national development.

QUESTION 15: Mention and describe two types of road pavements

1.Flexible Pavement is the bituminous pavement, it have low or negligible flexural strength Typical consist of four layers, Design life always is less than rigid pavement

2.Rigid Pavement is the cement concrete pavement, possess noteworthy flexural strength consist of three layers, higher life span than flexible pavement


(a)How is the discharge through a bridge estimated?

  • Catchment-Run Off Method
  • Empirical Formulae (Dicken’s formula,
  • Rational Method
  • Cross Sectional Area and Bed Slope
  • Area of Cross-Section and Velocity
  • Available Records

(b) Mention the various road elements which would normally be   the Subject for Maintenance.

  • Shoulders
  • Carriage Way
  • Drains
  • Drainage Structures

QUESTION 17. What maintenance activities would you carry out for?

An unpaved gravel road-->Drainage works, Grading, Reshaping, Re-gravelling, Vegetation control & Dust Control

A paved road-->Vegetation Control, Drainage Works, Patching, Crack Sealing, Spot Rehabilitation, Resurfacing

QUESTION 18. Explain designing procedures for a new paved road.

  • Traffic Data Collection By Traffic Volume and traffic count survey
  • Determination of Traffic Load Class & Road Design Class
  • Determination of Soil data and parameters including CBR
  • Designing pavement layers’ thickness
  • Determination of safety parameters
  • Designing vertical and horizontal curves
  • Designing of drainage structures
  • Designing of roads sign and road marking

QUESTION 19.What are the key parameters for bridge design?

  • Determination of Traffic Load Class
  • Determination of Maximum BM & SF
  • Determination of influence line
  • Determination of Hydraulic parameters
  • Checking for safety factors and serviceability levels
  • Design of section size for abutment and piers and reinforcements
  • Soil analysis and determination of bearing capacity of the soil
  • Foundation design

QUESTION 20.Mention main structural layers in bituminous paved road prism

  • Road bed
  • Road Embankment/ or Road cut
  • Road sub-grade layer
  • Road sub-base layer
  • Road base layer
  • Road wearing course layer

QUESTION ORAL. Briefly explain your background in short- academically and work experience

Responses: -

   a). Qualification and relevant experience

(Name, Age, Education, Language, Computer Application and Related Working Experience)

  b). Self-explanation and presentation

QUESTION ORAL.The knowledge of TANROADS – What do you know about it.

(i) TANROADS stands for what?

Tanzania National Roads Agency

Is an Agency under the Ministry of Works and Transport which is responsible for the Development and Maintenance of Trunk, Regional Roads Network and Airports in Tanzania Mainland.

It is also responsible for conducting Axle Load Control Operations using Weighbridge scales.

Established on July 1st 2000

Other agencies that is under Ministry of Work & Transport  TBA, TARURA, RUWASA


To have sustainable, safe and environmentally friendly all weather Trunk and Regional road Network to support the social economic development of Tanzania.


To develop, maintain and manage the trunk and regional roads network efficiently and in a cost effective, safe and environmentally sustainable manner consistent with the poverty reduction strategy and other government policies through a competent and well-motivated work force.


Good roads for National Development

(ii) What is a soft spot in the context of road construction?

Place on the ground that behave as sponge material after loading and unloading.

(iii) Explain what is a camber board

Camber-->is the cross slope given in the pavement in a transverse direction to drain out the rainwater from road surface.

Camber board-->Used to check and maintain the slope of the road as per design

QUESTION 21. As a Weigh Bridge Operator, which time you are not allowed to weigh a vehicle?  

An operator should weigh any vehicle, unless:

a) The vehicle is too wide or too long to fit on the weighbridge;

b) Scale is defective;

If the Vehicle is too wide to fit on the weighbridge, details of such vehicle should be recorded in the observation book for the supervisor’s attention

QUESTION 22. The work you apply has a lot of pressure from transporters. How will you handle the pressure?

  • Adhering to all legislative requirements
  • Practicing my legal obligation and duties
  • Working in team with others

QUESTION 23.What are the key characteristics/attributes of a successful Weigh Bridge operator?

  • Punctuality
  • Hardworking
  • Teamwork
  • Faithfulness
  • Obedience

QUESTION 24.What are the main road materials testing?

  • MDD
  • PI
  • OMC
  • Sieve analysis
  • CBR
  • Pen Grade test
  • Crushing, Abrasion and Impact test
  • Bitumen adhesion
  • Ductility test
  • Softening test
  • Flash and fire point test

QUESTION 25. Effects of Corruption?

Corruption-->Is the misuse of public resources for private gain.

Effects of corruption

  • Injustice
  • Violation of Human rights
  • Increase poverty
  • Results in social inequality

QUESTION 26. Legal instruments that control overloading?

Ans: Weighbridge device scale

QUESTION 27. Characteristics of effective teamwork

  • Communication
  • Accountability
  • Trust
  • Collaboration
  • Strong leadership

QUESTION 28. What is Axle group?

Axle group in relation to a vehicle, means any number of axles which for the purposes of transferring load to the road pavement act in unison or together.

Axle Load means the sum of the wheel weight loads of all wheels on any axle;

Axle Unit in relation to a vehicle, means a set of two or more parallel axles of such vehicle which are so interconnected as to form a unit’;

QUESTION 29. What is Road?

Route or Way on land between two places that has been paved or otherwise to allow movement of people or goods from one place to another.

QUESTION 30. What is bridge?

A structure built to span and provide passage over a river, chasm, road or any other physical hurdle usually it carries transportation way on its top.

QUESTION 31.Why it is important to weigh vehicles before starting a journey?

In order to know its load (Both Axle load & Gross Vehicle Weight) to see if it complies with the set of legal load limit or not.

QUESTION 32.How to determine overloading weight?

The determination of Overload and corresponding fees is done in two (2) ways:

i.Automatic Determination

ii.Manual Determination

NOTE: There is no 5% tolerance for GVM weights. 5% allowance is only applicable on axles or group of axles. This is to protect bridges from being damaged by overloaded trucks.

QUESTION 33.Mention at least 3 Legal instruments used to control Axle loading

1. Portable Scales (Static or Dynamic)

Normally preferred or screening purposes

These portable weighing devices are considerably cheaper than static scales, are relatively light, can be set up very rapidly and measure individual wheels, axles, axle units and vehicle/combination mass. These scales are more efficient for controlling overloading at urban areas and must be discouraged in highways.

2. Weigh in Motion (WIM)

A WIM system is a device that measures the dynamic axle mass of a moving vehicle to estimate the corresponding static axle mass.

These systems are designed to capture and record axle weights and gross vehicle weights as vehicles drive over a measurement site at normal traffic speeds

WIM systems fall into two broad groups as follows:

    a).High speed (HSWIM) – vehicle travel 15 km/h to 120 km/h

    b).Low speed (LSWIM) – vehicle speed = 5 km/h

HS-WIM technology is normally employed in the main traffic way for screening overloaded trucks prior to a checking area equipped with static weighing or LS-WIM devices.

3. Satellite (Virtual) Weighing Stations

Satellite weighing stations (sometimes referred to as “virtual weigh stations”) provide a means of economically and unobtrusively monitoring commercial vehicle traffic at locations where there are a number of alternative, by-pass routes to cover.

QUESTION 34.Five types of weighbridge used in Tanzania?

  • Fixed Weighbridges
  • Fixed-Single Axle Weighers
  • Mobile Weighbridges
  • Fixed (Multi-Deck) and Weigh in Motion

QUESTION 35. Mention the weighbridge requirements?

  • Approval and Verifications
  • Display Sign
  • Location
  • Visibility
  • Approach
  • Weighing Deck
  • Pit
  • Electrical and Electronic Devices
  • Transparency
  • Head work and junction boxes

QUESTION 36.What are the causes of premature failure of the pavement?

  • Poor design
  • Poor sub-grade soil condition
  • Poor construction materials
  • Poor construction and construction methods

QUESTION 37.Permissible physical dimensions of the vehicles,

Length->The overall length of the vehicle if rigid including any load, exceeds 12.5 meters;

             The overall length of the vehicle if articulated exceeds 17.4 meters;

             The overall length of any combination of vehicles exceeds 22.0 meters

Width->The vehicle, including any load, exceeds 2.65metres in width

Height->The height of the highest point of the vehicle, including any load, is greater than 4.6 meters from the surface of the road

QUESTION 38.What do you know about the following term?

Gross Weight is the weight of the vehicle including the load.

Tare Weight is the weight of the vehicle prior to being loaded.

Net Weight is the result of the subtraction of the tare mass from the gross mass.

QUESTION 39. Types of weighbridge and types of scale used in weighbridge

a)Fixed Weighbridge this is permanent fixed on the surface so it cannot easily moved anywhere for operations   (Electronic Scale)

b)Mobile Weighbridge this is temporary type weighbridge and can easily be moved anywhere for operation  (Modern Scale)

QUESTION 40.What do you think it is necessary to measure axle load as gross weight of the vehicle of the vehicle passing along the public road

i.To ensure the gross weight doesn’t exceed the road design capacity

ii.Safeguard and increase life span of the road

iii.Reducing road accidents

iv.Increase life span of the vehicles

v.Reduce damages of bridge

QUESTION 42.Describe the following terms

Who is Transporter?

Includes an owner and driver of a vehicle and every person acting as agent for the owner, or who is in possession or control of the vehicle

What is Customer Care?

Is the process of building an emotional connection with your customers, done by interact with customers to address their concerns, answer their questions and assist them with their needs


The part of a weighbridge intended to receive the load


Means a machine for weighing vehicles under this Act, including all its associated peripherals and software

Weighbridge Operator

Is the person who personally determines the measurement of a vehicle or goods by use of a weighbridge  OR means any person including an authorized officer and all other persons acting under his or her authority who manages and operates weighbridge equipment or performs vehicle load control under this Act

A weighing station

Is defined in the EAC VLC Act to mean a check point or installation along the Road Network for weighing vehicles and includes all facilities found therein.

A weighbridge station is used to weigh all vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of

3500 kilograms or more and thus determine the load on each axle/group to ensure the vehicle is not overloaded.

Private Weighbridge

Means the as a weighbridge that is open for use by or on behalf of the private; and is available for use for a charge.

QUESTION 43.Give the core purposes of introducing weighbridge station in Tanzania

i.Limit the damage to road pavement and structures due to overloading.

ii.Determine extent of overload in excess of the legal limits for enforcement purposes

iii.Improve Road Safety.

iv.Reduce Government costs of maintaining the road network.

v.Reduce congestion associated with slow-moving overloaded trucks.

A weighbridge station is used to weigh all vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of

3500 kilograms or more and thus determine the load on each axle/group to ensure the vehicle is not overloaded.

QUESTION 44. Strategies on how you will control HIV Aids at your work station.

  • -Get tested for HIV and get treated
  • -Use condoms every time you have sex
  • -Limit your number of sexual partners
  • -Choose less risky sexual behaviors 

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